Souvenir, Exhibition and Other Advertisements

Advertisement in Souvenir


Foreign firms

Indian firms

Front side cover: inside (full page)

USD 480

Rs. 20,000

Back side cover: outside (full page)

USD 720

Rs. 30,000

Back side cover: inside (full page)

USD 480

Rs. 20,000

Inside: Full page colour

USD 300

Rs. 12,500

Inside: Full page B&W

USD 180

Rs. 7,500

Inside: Half page colour

USD 180

Rs. 7,500

Inside: Half page B&W

USD 120

Rs. 5,000


Stalls of size 10' x 10' in Exhibition hall for display of products, prototype equipments and other advertisement materials

Rs. 30,000 or USD 750

Other Advertisement Opportunities

Advertisement materials like CDs, brochures about the products etc in the seminar dockets.

Rs. 20,000 or USD 500 for others. Free for Sponsors

Display of advertisements on Display boards of size 3' x 5' just outside the seminar hall or in the Exhibition hall located just adjacent to the seminar hall.

Rs. 20,000 or USD 500

The payments should be made in favour of “Conference on Technical Textiles and Nonwovens” payable at New Delhi .
Contact Details:

Dr. R. Alagirusamy/ Dr. Apurba Das
Department of Textile Technology, IIT, New Delhi-110016
Email: alagiru@gmail.com ; apurba@textile.iitd.ernet.in
Ph: 011-2659 1419 / 2659 1413
Fax: 011-2658 1103